Baked Products

Manal's Artisan Bakery Products

Discover the perfect blend of tradition and innovation with MANAL Food Factory's exceptional range of artisan bakery products. We cater to Qatar's hospitality sector, providing high-quality baked goods that exceed expectations. Say goodbye to the complexities of an in-house bakery while enjoying the finest creations.

Our bakery products are crafted by European experts right here in Doha, following ISO22000 processes to guarantee quality and consistency. We are committed to customer satisfaction, offering outstanding support and delivery services tailored to your specific requirements. Prepare to indulge in a culinary journey inspired by Europe's renowned boulangeries, as our offerings are a must-try for those with discerning palates.

At MANAL, quality and freshness are our guiding principles. Every bite of our bakery delights delivers an unmatched taste experience, thanks to the finest ingredients and meticulous attention to detail. Elevate your culinary offerings with our artisan bakery products and experience the difference that sets us apart.


Our selection of traditionally produced breads are made with selected flours and are naturally leavened to give great texture and flavour.

Exceptional Client

We take pride in serving our exceptional clients and strive to always provide the best.

Don't miss the opportunity to improve your experience with our products, start now.
